Super heroes wear capes. Some have Robes. Black flowing ones with a hammer, almost Thor like. 🔨⚖️

Yes, our superheroes are the Judges 👩🏻‍⚖. The lawgivers. From divorce to child abuse, suicide to theft, murder, and more, they pass judgment day in and day out.

As an educator, I believe Judges have roles similar to that of School Principals. Lives are at stake, futures depend on their instructions and they shape the nation with their verdicts and validations.

Decisions are tough, time is short and resources are limited. Yet the word we all associate with Judges and Principals is HOPE.

We live in the age of information that needs the assurance of speed. From the Supreme court to Magistrate sessions, there are overwhelming cases on a daily basis. Schools need leaders who are led by a set of principles for the welfare of students from the state, rural and urban, local to national.

Get technology to aid, be wise, and empathetic but also be firm and just. Prisons and Schools need your help to liberate the innocent and punish the culprits. The victim, the accused, and the criminal all deserve a hearing.

Honorable Judges and Respected Principals, we rest our case. Your time to Order, Order. ⚖️

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