Understand the costs of digital clutter - 👨🏻💻Reduced productivity, increased anxiety, and diminished personal connections.


“Digital Minimalism” by Cal Newport

“running is cheaper than therapy.”

Here are key lessons from the book:

1. Understand the costs of digital clutter – 👨🏻💻Reduced productivity, increased anxiety, and diminished personal connections.

2. Cultivate a healthier relationship with social media: 📲Use social media for intentional purposes rather than mindless scrolling.


3. Embrace solitude and boredom: Create space for these valuable experiences. 🎭

4. Engage in high-quality leisure activities 👨🏻🎤
Over engaged lives today


5. Prioritize real-world connections: Face-to-face interactions are crucial.

6. Create digital boundaries: 📵 Set aside specific times for checking emails and notifications, and avoid bringing devices into bedroom or during meals.

“Leave good evidence of yourself. Do good work.” ― Cal Newport, Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World

Ref: https://blog.dornea.nu/2022/05/02/book-summary-digital-minimalism/

About the Writer

Dawood Vaid is an avid reader, a teacher trainer and an author. His book ‘The Education Riddle‘ and ‘TALK‘ are available on Amazon. Dawood has completed the certificate course on ‘Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills’ by The University of Melbourne. An engineer and an MBA, he leads the curriculum development team at Sky Education, with focus on establishing Skill labs across schools. He resides in Mumbai and can be contacted at [email protected]



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One response to ““Digital Minimalism” by Cal Newport”

  1. Umm Maryam says:

    Loving this new approach! Attention spans are so short these days that YouTube shorts have become the way to go. This article nailed it—crisp, to the point, and packed with everything you need to know without overloading.

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